Flinders University

Australian Child Wellbeing Project, 2014

posted on 2021-11-01, 23:21 authored by Gerard RedmondGerard Redmond, Jen Skattebol, Peter Saunders, Sue Thomson, Sabine Andresen, Jonathan Bradshaw
The Australian Child Wellbeing Project (ACWP) is a child-centred study in which young people’s perspectives have been used to design and conduct Australia’s first major nationally representative and internationally comparable survey of wellbeing among young people aged 9-14 years. Particular attention was given to understanding the perspectives of seven groups of young people with specific experiences and needs that may have a bearing on their wellbeing: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, culturally and linguistically diverse young people, young people with disability, young carers, young people in regional and remote Australia, materially disadvantaged young people, and young people in out-of-home care. The survey aimed to benchmark young people's wellbeing in Australia, provide the basis for international comparison of their wellbeing, and provide information to contribute to the development of effective services for young people’s healthy development. The survey instrument includes questions that are comparable with the international Health Behaviour in School Aged Children study (www.hbsc.org) and the international Children's World's study (www.isciweb.org). The ACWP survey was dstributed to a national probability sample of students in Years 4, 6 and 8 and was successfully completed during Term 3 2014 in 180 schools across Australia, with final sample of 5440 students. Please refer to the project website for more details: http://www.australianchildwellbeing.com.au

Sampling Procedure: Multi-stage stratified random sample
Data Kind: Survey data
Response Rate: 12.3 percent (39.4 percent of schools, and 31.1 percent of students within those schools). See Technical Report Section 4 for further details.

Date coverage: 2014
Location: Australia


Are the kids alright? Understanding the wellbeing of Australian children in their middle years

Australian Research Council

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Primary contact

Professor Gerry Redmond, gerry.redmond@flinders.edu.au

Access Rights

Mediated access through Australian Data Archive - The depositor may be informed (by the archive) of use being made of the data, in order to comment on that use and make contact with colleagues of similar interests. Register with the Australian Data Archive and follow the registration instructions in order to access the ACWP database.

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