Flinders University

Database for the mechanical properties of the inter-lamellar matrix (ILM), lamellae and elastic fibres network in the intervertebral disc – An ovine model.

posted on 2021-10-22, 01:10 authored by John CostiJohn Costi, Javad Tavakoli, Dhara Amin, Brian Freeman
While few studies have improved our understanding of composition and organization of elastic fibres in the inter-lamellar matrix (ILM) of the disc, its clinical relevance is not fully understood. Moreover, no studies have measured the mechanical failure and viscoelastic properties of the ILM and the elastic fibres in the ILM of the disc. Therefore, this database represents raw data for biomechanical characterization of the ILM and elastic fibres. The viscoelastic and failure curves of the ILM and elastic fibres were presented in both the tension and shear directions of loading. Using an ovine model, isolated ILM samples were stretched to 40% of their initial length at three strain rates of 0.1%s-1 (slow), 1%s-1 (medium) and 10%s-1 (fast) and a ramp test to failure was performed at a strain rate of 10%s-1. The results from this study can be used to develop and validate finite element models of the AF at the tissue scale, as well as providing new strategies for fabricating tissue engineered scaffolds. This database contains the following folders:
1- The “ILM data” folder including:
• Elastic fibre in shear
• Elastic fibre in tension
• ILM in shear
• ILM in tension
The “ILM data folder” represents raw data for biomechanical characterization of the ILM (Studies 4 and 5, J. Tavakoli PhD thesis, 2018). Each sub-folder contains excel files presenting force-displacement data at different strain rates (slow- medium and fast) and failure for at least 10 samples. Digested samples were used for measurement of mechanical properties of the elastic fibres in the ILM.

The “ILM-LAM data folder” represents raw data for biomechanical characterization of the ILM (ILM) compared to the lamellae (LAM) during progression of herniation (Study 6). Each sub-folder contains excel files presenting failure properties (force-displacement data) for 7 samples at two different regions of anterior (AN) and posterolateral (PL).

2- The “ILM-LAM data” folder includes:
• Control group
• Overloaded group
• Herniated group

Date coverage: 2016 - 2017


Primary contact

Mr Javad Tavakoli

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