Flinders University

EK Mather Thesis 2021 SI 1-7 supplementary files

posted on 2021-10-05, 01:45 authored by Ellen MatherEllen Mather, Trevor WorthyTrevor Worthy, Michael S. Y. Lee
This dataset is comprised of 7 files. The title and short description below correspond to the files attached above.

EK Mather Thesis 2021 SI 1 Morphological character data matrix
A data matrix of 300 morphological characters for selected fossil accipitrids, living Accipitridae, Pandionidae, Sagittariidae, Cathartidae, and two outgroup species in Ciconiiformes. Data gathered through scoring of specimens from all institutions mentioned in thesis. Can be used for reference or data in future phylogenetic analyses. Applies to Chapters 2, 3 and 4.

EK Mather Thesis 2021 SI 2 Archaehierax parsimony analysis file
Command line input for a PAUP parsimony analysis of the fossil species Archaehierax sylvestris compared to living Accipitriformes. Can be used as a reference or base for future phylogenetic nexus command files. Applies to Chapter 2.

EK Mather Thesis 2021 SI 3 Archaehierax Bayesian infile
A Nexus command file for Bayesian analysis (using Mr Bayes) of Archaehierax sylvestris compared to living Accipitriformes and selected outgroup taxa. Can be used as a reference or base for future phylogenetic nexus command files. Applies to Chapter 2.

EK Mather Thesis 2021 SI 4 Taphaetus lacertosus lectotype 3D image
STL model of the lectotype distal humerus of "Taphaetus"/Nov Gen lacertosus QM F5507. Can be used by researchers interested in looking at the morphology of this specimen. Please notify Queensland Museum if it is used for research and publications. Applies to Chapter 3.

EK Mather Thesis 2021 SI 5 Nov Gen parsimony analysis file
Command line input file for parsimony analyses of "Taphaetus"/Nov Gen lacertosus compared to living Accipitriformes and selected outgroup species using PAUP. Can be used as a reference or base for future phylogenetic nexus command files. Applies to Chapter 3.

EK Mather Thesis 2021 SI 6 Accipitrid GWC_VFC parsimony analysis file
Command input file for parsimony analyses of the accipitrid GWC/VFC taxon compared to living Accipitriformes, "Taphaetus" lacertosus, and selected outgroups using PAUP. Can be used as a reference or base for future phylogenetic nexus command files. Applies to Chapter 4.

EK Mather Thesis 2021 SI 7 Accipitrid GWC_VFC Bayesian infile
Command line nexus file for Bayesian analyses (using Mr Bayes) of accipitrid GWC/VFC compared to living Accipitriformes, "Taphaetus" lacertosus and selected outgroups. Can be used as a reference or base for future phylogenetic nexus command files. Applies to Chapter 4.


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