Flinders University

Frontier Conflict and the Native Mounted Police in Queensland

posted on 2021-09-01, 01:48 authored by Heather BurkeHeather Burke, Lynley Wallis, Bryce Barker, Noelene Cole, Iain Davidson, Elizabeth Hatte
Frontier Conflict and the Native Mounted Police in Queensland contains archival, oral historical and archaeological (site and artefact level) data relating to the lives and activities of the Native Mounted Police in Qld from 1848 until 1904.

This database contains several different layers of information:

- Original primary sources (historic documents and images, including newspaper articles)

These were sourced from various repositories both in hard copy and digital versions. You can find these under Media > Documents, Images and Maps. If you use any of these resources, please cite these to their original collection.

- Notes, and in some cases summaries, for each NMP camp, officer and trooper (where information was available)

These draw on both primary and secondary sources. If you use any of these resources, please cite them to this database.

- Summaries and other information about of conflict events on the frontier

These have been compiled from both primary and secondary sources. Please cite them to this database.

- Artefacts collected during archaeological work on a select range of sites

The physical objects are housed at the Queensland Museum. Complete datasets of all variables recorded for each object can be downloaded from this database. You can find these under Archaeology | Objects. If you use any of these resources, cite them to this database.

- Map layers

These represent different elements relevant to understanding the frontier, for example historic pastoral districts, NMP camp locations, Native Title boundaries, communications networks and places where frontier conflict events occurred.

Date coverage: 1848 - 1904
Location: Queensland, Australia


The Archaeology of the Queensland Native Mounted Police

Australian Research Council

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Primary contact

Aprof Heather Burke, heather.burke@flinders.edu.au

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