Flinders University

Genomic and occurrence datasets for comparative phylogeography of pygmy perches

posted on 2022-01-13, 06:21 authored by Sean BuckleySean Buckley, Chris BrauerChris Brauer, Michael Hammer, Peter Unmack, Luciano B. Beheregaray
Datasets associated with Buckley et al. 2022 "Variation in intraspecific demography drives localised concordance but species-wide discordance in responses to Plio-Pleistocene climatic change." BMC Ecology and Evolution.

Both_species_SDM_occurrences.csv = occurrence data used for ensemble species distribution models for Nannoperca australis and Nannoperca obscura.

SPP_species_concatenated.phy = concatenated alignment for 44 Nannoperca australis and Nannoperca vittata (phylogenetic outgroup) of 19,428 species-wide ddRAD loci.

SPP_species_SNPs.str = genotypes for 44 Nannoperca australis and Nannoperca vittata (phylogenetic outgroup) at 17,389 'unlinked' (one per RAD locus) SNPs.

SPP_pop_SNPs.zip = compressed folder of genotypes for 'unlinked' (one per RAD locus) individual population SNPs for 9 populations of Nannoperca australis.

YPP_species_concatenated.phy = concatenated alignment for 33 Nannoperca obscura and Nannoperca vittata (phylogenetic outgroup) of 21,051 species-wide ddRAD loci.

YPP_species_SNPs.str = genotypes for 33 Nannoperca obscura and Nannoperca vittata (phylogenetic outgroup) at 15,715 'unlinked' (one per RAD locus) SNPs.

YPP_pop_SNPs.zip = compressed folder of genotypes for 'unlinked' (one per RAD locus) individual population SNPs for 5 populations of Nannoperca obscura.


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