Flinders University

Historical Land Use Maps for the South East of South Australia 1969 and 1983

posted on 2021-11-01, 05:10 authored by Nikki Harrington, Andrew MillingtonAndrew Millington, M.E. Sodahlan, David Phillips, Leanne MorganLeanne Morgan
A preliminary historical 1969 land use map was constructed for a large portion of the South East of South Australia by modifying the existing 2008 digital land use map based on manual interpretation of black and white aerial photographs and interpretation of irrigation bore drilling records. The major land use changes that could be identified between 2008 and the 1969 aerial photos were between native vegetation, general cleared grazing/dryland cropping land uses, plantation forestry, horticulture (mainly vineyards) and to some degree irrigated land uses. Locations of irrigation bores based upon historical bore drilling records were used as a basis for reducing the area under irrigated land uses in the 1969 land use map.

This preliminary product provides an improved basis for modelling of historical groundwater recharge for use in groundwater flow models. It is likely to have other applications outside the groundwater modelling domain. There are significant limitations in the accuracy of the map, associated with the method of visual interpretation of aerial photos. Further work, using a variety of other data sources could significantly improve this preliminary product.

An “intermediate” land use map has also been constructed as a placeholder to approximately represent the period 1983-1990. This map is based upon the 1969 land use map, with the only additions being the areas affected by the 1983 bushfires (classified as “Burnt Out” and areas affected by vineyard expansion in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Both of the preliminary land use maps constructed in this study are considered to be more useful in modelling of rainfall recharge to groundwater for the region than using an existing electronic land use map, e.g. 1998. However, refinement of these products using aerial photos and extraction bore drilling records (for the 1983 map) and anecdotal or documented evidence and information from the forestry and viticulture industries would be of great benefit to future applications, including recharge modelling.

This study was supported by The Goyder Institute for Water Research.

Date coverage: 1969 - 1983
- South East of South Australia
- GDA94 MGA Zone 54 E377,300 m, N5,770,000 m in the south-west and E565,300 m, N5,994,000 m in the north-east.


Primary contact

Dr Graham Green, graham.green@sa.gov.au. South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR)

Access Rights

Conditions apply to the use of the data. Please contact Dr Graham Green for access to the data

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