Flinders University

Neurochemistry, morphology and projection patterns of myenteric nerve cell bodies, traced from circular muscle and myenteric plexus of guinea pig distal colon

Raw mapping data describing the locations of retrogradely labelled myenteric nerve cell bodies traced from a single location in the myenteric plexus or from circular muscle. Each row represents a single myenteric nerve cell body. X and Y coordinates provide the longitudinal and circumferential distance of the nerve cell body in millimetres, relative to 0, respectively. The DiI-application site in each preparation is designated (0, 0). Colonic preparations were oriented such that negative X values represent locations oral to the DiI application site (0, 0). Thus, nerve cell bodies whose X coordinate is a negative value is located oral to the DiI-application site and therefore has a descending axonal projection; the opposite is true for positive values. The dataset comprises 9 experiments/preparations derived from 9 animals. Five preparations, coded CM3-7, were used to trace nerve cell bodies from circular muscle. Four preparations, coded MP2-5, were used to trace nerve cell bodies from the myenteric plexus. The column “target” divides these two types of preparations into “0” circular muscle and “1” myenteric plexus. The column “NOS” indicates whether the nerve cell body contained immunohistochemically-detectable nitric oxide synthase, whereby “0” indicates a lack of immunoreactive content and “1” indicates the presence of immunoreactive content. Nerve cell bodies were similarly classified for “CALR”, calretinin, and “CALB”, calbindin. “BASK”, indicates whether the nerve cell body was located inside dense clusters of calbindin-immunoreactive varicosities, whereby “0” was negative and “1” was positive for this condition. The column “morph” indicates whether the myenteric nerve cell body had Dogiel type 1 or type 2 mophological characteristics, coded “1” and “2”, respectively.
Nerve cell bodies in preparation MP4 lack circumferential data. These data were intentionally omitted as nerve cell bodies in this preparation were traced from 3 circumferentially-aligned DiI-application sites. A single DiI-application site was used in all other preparations

Date coverage: 2018


National Health & Medical Research Council

Flinders Private Hospital Clinician’s Special Purpose Fund Research Scholarship


Primary contact

Dr David Smolilo, David.Smolilo@sa.gov.au

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