diceCT imaging of the ZIKV mouse brain during development
The study aimed to investigate the utility of diceCT in detecting morphological changes with ZIKV-infection during development. The study used a previously published mouse model (Cowell, et al., 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s13365-023-01123-5), and has extended this to 10 dpi, equating to P4, P7 and P11 of mouse development. A file with the protocol for diceCT staining and imaging is herein. This Figshare site also contains images from diceCT scans of the brains of neonatal mice, compiled into videos (development - ui, ZKIV - containing 3, 6 and 10 dpi from individual uninfected and ZIKV mice; and unknown mixed cohort folders - from one litter with 3 ui and 4 ZIKV animals, in a blinded fashion). The computational segmenting and volume analysis performed on the brains is also available in a separate folder for both of these.
All original diceCT images are available on request.