- Perspective on taxonomic classification of uncultivated viruses
- Towards Predicting Gut Microbial Metabolism: Integration of Flux Balance Analysis and Untargeted Metabolomics
- Organizing the bacterial annotation space with amino acid sequence embeddings
- The StkSR Two-Component System Influences Colistin Resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii
- Acidobacteria Subgroups and Their Metabolic Potential for Carbon Degradation in Sugarcane Soil Amended With Vinasse and Nitrogen Fertilizers
- PHANOTATE: a novel approach to gene identification in phage genomes
- Analysis of Spounaviruses as a Case Study for the Overdue Reclassification of Tailed Phages
- Cystic Fibrosis Rapid Response: Translating Multi-omics Data into Clinically Relevant Information
- Diel population and functional synchrony of microbial communities on coral reefs
- Cyanobacterial biodiversity of semiarid public drinking water supply reservoirs assessed via next-generation DNA sequencing technology
- Prodigious Prevotella phages
- Ten simple rules and a template for creating workflows-as-applications
- Coral and Seawater Metagenomes Reveal Key Microbial Functions to Coral Health and Ecosystem Functioning Shaped at Reef Scale
- The utility of dust for forensic intelligence
- Latitude and chlorophyll a density drive the distribution of carbohydrate-active enzymes in the planktonic microbial fraction of the epipelagic zone
- Confidence for exploratory machine learning
- Abolishment of morphology-based taxa and change to binomial species names
- Global Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) microbiome: regional taxonomic flexibility and functional stability
- Dynamics of infection in a novel group of promiscuous phages and hosts of multiple bacterial genera retrieved from river communities
- Deep immune profiling of the maternal-fetal interface with mild SARS-CoV-2 infection
- Phage and bacteria diversification through a prophage acquisition ratchet
- Hecatomb: An End-to-End Research Platform for Viral Metagenomics
- Erratum: A Novel Group of Promiscuous Podophages Infecting Diverse Gammaproteobacteria from River Communities Exhibits Dynamic Intergenus Host Adaptation (mSystems (2021) 6:1 (e00773-20) DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00773-20)
- RaFAH: Host prediction for viruses of Bacteria and Archaea based on protein content
- Global phylogeography and ancient evolution of the widespread human gut virus crAssphage
- MultiPhATE2: Code for Functional Annotation and Comparison of Bacteriophage Genomes
- A Novel Group of Promiscuous Podophages Infecting Diverse Gammaproteobacteria from River Communities Exhibits Dynamic Intergenus Host Adaptation
- NCBI’s Virus Discovery Codeathon: Building “FIVE”—The Federated Index of Viral Experiments API Index
- NCBI's Virus Discovery Hackathon: Engaging Research Communities to Identify Cloud Infrastructure Requirements
- RaFAH: A superior method for virus-host prediction
- How Metagenomics Has Transformed Our Understanding of Bacteriophages in Microbiome Research
- Gut microbiota represent a major thermogenic biomass
- Gut Microbiota Represent a Major Thermogenic Biomass
- Single-cell gene expression links SARS-CoV-2 infection and gut serotonin
- Decoding diversity in a coral reef fish species complex with restricted range using metagenomic sequencing of gut contents
- The skin microbiome of elasmobranchs follows phylosymbiosis, but in teleost fishes, the microbiomes converge
- `Genome skimming' with the MinION hand-held sequencer identifies CITES-listed shark species in India's exports market
- Mitochondrial genome to aid species delimitation and effective conservation of the Sharpnose Guitarfish (Glaucostegus granulatus)
- Genomic and ecological attributes of marine bacteriophages encoding bacterial virulence genes
- Predicting the capsid architecture of phages from metagenomic data
- Fastq-pair: efficient synchronization of paired-end fastq files
- Modeling of the Coral Microbiome: the Influence of Temperature and Microbial Network
- Standardized bacteriophage purification for personalized phage therapy
- A distinct contractile injection system gene cluster found in a majority of healthy adult human microbiomes
- Utilizing Amino Acid Composition and Entropy of Potential Open Reading Frames to Identify Protein-Coding Genes
- Philympics 2021: Prophage Predictions Perplex Programs
- MultiPhATE2
- No Evidence Known Viruses Play a Role in the Pathogenesis of Onchocerciasis-Associated Epilepsy. An Explorative Metagenomic Case-Control Study
- hafeZ: Active prophage identification through read mapping
- Bacterial Viruses Subcommittee and Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee of the ICTV: update of taxonomy changes in 2021
- Computational approaches to predict bacteriophage-host relationships
- Aging and Intermittent Fasting Impact on Transcriptional Regulation and Physiological Responses of Adult Drosophila Neuronal and Muscle Tissues
- Optimizing and evaluating the reconstruction of Metagenome-assembled microbial genomes
- Kullback Leibler divergence in complete bacterial and phage genomes
- Bacterial Community Associated with the Reef Coral Mussismilia braziliensis's Momentum Boundary Layer over a Diel Cycle
- Marine viruses discovered via metagenomics shed light on viral strategies throughout the oceans
- PARTIE: a partition engine to separate metagenomic and amplicon projects in the Sequence Read Archive
- Surgical Removal of Gut Bacteria Biomass Promotes Weight Gain via Suppression of Energy Expenditure
- Biological chlorine cycling in the Arctic Coastal Plain
- PMAnalyzer: a new web interface for bacterial growth curve analysis
- Corrigendum: Lytic to temperate switching of viral communities
- Global microbialization of coral reefs
- Corrigendum: Allelic variation contributes to bacterial host specificity
- A diversity-generating retroelement encoded by a globally ubiquitous Bacteroides phage
- Functional characterization of ligninolytic Klebsiella spp. strains associated with soil and freshwater
- Reply to: Caution in inferring viral strategies from abundance correlations in marine metagenomes
- Discovery of an expansive bacteriophage family that includes the most abundant viruses from the human gut
- Growth Score: a single metric to define growth in 96-well phenotype assays
- Draft Genome Sequence of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Cyanobacteria) Strain ITEP-A1 Isolated from a Brazilian Semiarid Freshwater Body: Evidence of Saxitoxin and Cylindrospermopsin Synthetase Genes
- From DNA to FBA: How to Build Your Own Genome-Scale Metabolic Model
- Dietary Fat and Carbohydrate Content Modulate Energy Expenditure via Gut Bacteria
- Variability and host density independence in inductions-based estimates of environmental lysogeny
- Elucidating genomic gaps using phenotypic profiles
- Using viromes to predict novel immune proteins in non-model organisms
- Lytic to temperate switching of viral communities
- Genomics to aid species delimitation and effective conservation of the Sharpnose Guitarfish (Glaucostegus granulatus)
- Genomic, proteomic, and phylogenetic analysis of spounaviruses indicates paraphyly of the order Caudovirales
- Taxonomy proposal: To create one (1) new family, Herelleviridae, in the order Caudovirales
- The biomass and composition of the gut microbiota modify anaerobic metabolism
- Benchmark data sets, software results and reference data for the first CAMI challenge
- THEA: A novel approach to gene identification in phage genomes
- PRINSEQ++, a multi-threaded tool for fast and efficient quality control and preprocessing of sequencing datasets
- Development of a shark health matrix using metabolomics coupled with metagenomics
- Suppl Methods for Biogeochemistry paper
- The skin microbiome of elasmobranchs follows phylosymbosis, but in teleost fishes the microbiomes converge
- Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation – a benchmark of computational metagenomics software
- Analysis of Spounaviruses as a Case Study for the Overdue Reclassification of Tailed Bacteriophages
- Genomics to aid species delimitation and effective conservation of the Sharpnose Guitarfish (Glaucostegus granulatus).
- A Distinct Contractile Injection System Found in a Majority of Adult Human Microbiomes
- linsalrob/fasta_validator
- multiPhATE: bioinformatics pipeline for functional annotation of phage isolates
- Charting the diversity of uncultured viruses of Archaea and Bacteria
- Phage genome annotation using the RAST pipeline
- Taxonomy of prokaryotic viruses: 2017 update from the ICTV Bacterial and Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee
- Searching the sequence read archive using Jetstream and Wrangler
- Some of the most interesting CASP11 targets through the eyes of their authors
- An agile functional analysis of metagenomic data using SUPER-FOCUS
- Prophage genomics reveals patterns in phage genome organization and replication
- Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation - a benchmark of metagenomics software
- Growth Score: A single metric to define growth in 96-well phenotype assays
- Local genomic adaptation of coral reef-associated microbiomes to gradients of natural variability and anthropogenic stressors
- The SEED and the Rapid Annotation of microbial genomes using Subsystems Technology (RAST)
- RASTtk: a modular and extensible implementation of the RAST algorithm for building custom annotation pipelines and annotating batches of genomes
- A highly abundant bacteriophage discovered in the unknown sequences of human faecal metagenomes
- Microbial genomic taxonomy
- Metagenomics and metatranscriptomics: windows on CF-associated viral and microbial communities
- Taxonomic and functional microbial signatures of the endemic marine sponge Arenosclera brasiliensis
- Real time metagenomics: using k-mers to annotate metagenomes
- FOCUS: an alignment-free model to identify organisms in metagenomes using non-negative least squares
- A bioinformatic analysis of ribonucleotide reductase genes in phage genomes and metagenomes
- Reference-independent comparative metagenomics using cross-assembly: crAss
- Clinical insights from metagenomic analysis of sputum samples from patients with cystic fibrosis
- Microbial taxonomy in the post-genomic era: rebuilding from scratch?
- Metagenomic analysis of healthy and white plague-affected Mussismilia braziliensis corals
- Multivariate analysis of functional metagenomes
- Combining de novo and reference-guided assembly with scaffold_builder
- Explaining microbial phenotypes on a genomic scale: GWAS for microbes
- Sequencing of seven haloarchaeal genomes reveals patterns of genomic flux
- Multi-Analytical Approach Reveals Potential Microbial Indicators in Soil for Sugarcane Model Systems
- Mechanistic model of Rothia mucilaginosa adaptation toward persistence in the CF lung, based on a genome reconstructed from metagenomic data
- SUPER-FOCUS: a tool for agile functional analysis of shotgun metagenomic data
- Genomic taxonomy of the genus prochlorococcus
- Integration of genomic and proteomic analyses in the classification of the Siphoviridae family
- Multidimensional metrics for estimating phage abundance, distribution, gene density, and sequence coverage in metagenomes
- Complete Genome Sequencing of a Multidrug-Resistant and Human-Invasive Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Strain of the Emerging Sequence Type 213 Genotype
- GenomePeek - An online tool for prokaryotic genome and metagenome analysis
- Allelic variation contributes to bacterial host specificity
- Microbial Community Profile and Water Quality in a Protected Area of the Caatinga Biome
- Phage Phenomics: Physiological Approaches to Characterize Novel Viral Proteins
- Genomic Comparison of the Closely-Related Salmonella enterica Serovars Enteritidis, Dublin and Gallinarum
- Baseline Assessment of Mesophotic Reefs of the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain Based on Water Quality, Microbial Diversity, Benthic Cover and Fish Biomass Data
- Microbes, metagenomes and marine mammals: enabling the next generation of scientist to enter the genomic era
- Applying Shannon's information theory to bacterial and phage genomes and metagenomes
- Draft Genome Sequence of the Fish Pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis
- Abrolhos bank reef health evaluated by means of water quality, microbial diversity, benthic cover, and fish biomass data
- Comparative genomics of 274 Vibrio cholerae genomes reveals mobile functions structuring three niche dimensions
- GenomePeek - An online tool for prokaryotic and metagenome analysis
- Microfluidic PCR combined with pyrosequencing for identification of allelic variants with phenotypic associations among targeted Salmonella genes
- SEED servers: high-performance access to the SEED genomes, annotations, and metabolic models
- Structure and function of a cyanophage-encoded peptide deformylase
- Computational approaches to predict bacteriophage--host relationships
- Probiotic bacteria reduce salmonella typhimurium intestinal colonization by competing for iron
- FORMAL: A model to identify organisms present in metagenomes using Monte Carlo Simulation
- FOCUS2: agile and sensitive classification of metagenomics data using a reduced database
- Qudaich: A smart sequence aligner
- Computational Science and Engineering
- GenomePeek—an online tool for prokaryotic genome and metagenome analysis
- Sequencing at sea: challenges and experiences in Ion Torrent PGM sequencing during the 2013 Southern Line Islands Research Expedition
- PhiSpy: a novel algorithm for finding prophages in bacterial genomes that combines similarity- and composition-based strategies
- Quality control and preprocessing of metagenomic datasets
- Viral diversity and dynamics in an infant gut
- The metagenomics RAST server - a public resource for the automatic phylogenetic and functional analysis of metagenomes
- The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification
- Detection of large numbers of novel sequences in the metatranscriptomes of complex marine microbial communities
- Viral and microbial community dynamics in four aquatic environments
- Phylogenetic classification of short environmental DNA fragments
- Bacterial carbon processing by generalist species in the coastal ocean
- Comparative metagenomics reveals host specific metavirulomes and horizontal gene transfer elements in the chicken cecum microbiome
- Insights into antibiotic resistance through metagenomic approaches
- TagCleaner: Identification and removal of tag sequences from genomic and metagenomic datasets
- Taxonomic composition and gene content of a methane-producing microbial community isolated from a biogas reactor
- Identification and removal of ribosomal RNA sequences from metatranscriptomes
- Transposases are the most abundant, most ubiquitous genes in nature
- The GAAS metagenomic tool and its estimations of viral and microbial average genome size in four major biomes
- Metagenomic analysis indicates that stressors induce production of herpes-like viruses in the coral Porites compressa
- Accessing the SEED genome databases via Web services API: tools for programmers
- Metagenomic analysis of stressed coral holobionts
- PHACTS, a computational approach to classifying the lifestyle of phages
- Viral communities associated with healthy and bleaching corals
- Coastal bacterioplankton community diversity along a latitudinal gradient in Latin America by means of V6 tag pyrosequencing
- MetaBase--the wiki-database of biological databases
- Connecting genotype to phenotype in the era of high-throughput sequencing
- PhiSiGns: an online tool to identify signature genes in phages and design PCR primers for examining phage diversity
- Functional metagenomic profiling of nine biomes
- Genome sequence of the human pathogen Vibrio cholerae Amazonia
- Phage-bacteria relationships and CRISPR elements revealed by a metagenomic survey of the rumen microbiome
- Phage Eco-Locator: a web tool for visualization and analysis of phage genomes in metagenomic data sets
- Fast identification and removal of sequence contamination from genomic and metagenomic datasets
- Chromosomal rearrangements formed by rrn recombination do not improve replichore balance in host-specific Salmonella enterica serovars
- Lysogeny and sporulation in Bacillus isolates from the Gulf of Mexico
- The Microbiome and Virome of CF
- Towards richer descriptions of our collection of genomes and metagenomes
- Characterization of the ELPhiS prophage from Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis strain LK5
- Draft genome sequence of the shrimp pathogen Vibrio harveyi CAIM 1792
- The smallest cells pose the biggest problems: high-performance computing and the analysis of metagenome sequence data
- Genome sequence of the bacterioplanktonic, mixotrophic Vibrio campbellii strain PEL22A, isolated in the Abrolhos Bank
- Genome sequences of the ethanol-tolerant Lactobacillus vini strains LMG 23202T and JP7.8.9
- Genome-wide study of the defective sucrose fermenter strain of Vibrio cholerae from the Latin American cholera epidemic
- Deviations from Ultrametricity in Phage Protein Distances
- Real-Time Metagenomics
- Benthic community composition affects O2 availability and variability in a Northern Red Sea fringing reef
- Phage--bacteria relationships and CRISPR elements revealed by a metagenomic survey of the rumen microbiome
- MetaBase—the wiki-database of biological databases
- Gene-centric metagenomics of the fiber-adherent bovine rumen microbiome reveals forage specific glycoside hydrolases
- Biodiversity and biogeography of phages in modern stromatolites and thrombolites
- Diversification of the Salmonella fimbriae: a model of macro- and microevolution
- Metagenomic and stable isotopic analyses of modern freshwater microbialites in Cuatro Ciénegas, Mexico
- Erratum
- Experimental and computational assessment of conditionally essential genes in Escherichia coli
- The subsystems approach to genome annotation and its use in the project to annotate 1000 genomes
- The RAST Server: rapid annotations using subsystems technology
- Inside or outside: detecting the cellular location of bacterial pathogens
- Evolution of microbial pathogens: Microbial Pathogenesis and Host Response, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, USA, 22--26 September 1999
- Community genomics among stratified microbial assemblages in the ocean's interior
- The marine viromes of four oceanic regions
- Viral metagenomics
- Using pyrosequencing to shed light on deep mine microbial ecology
- The Phage Proteomic Tree: a genome-based taxonomy for phage
- Metagenomic and small-subunit rRNA analyses reveal the genetic diversity of bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses in soil
- Metagenomic analysis of the microbial community associated with the coral Porites astreoides
- Microbial ecology of four coral atolls in the Northern Line Islands
- Comparative genomics of closely related salmonellae
- Whole proteome analysis of post-translational modifications: applications of mass-spectrometry for proteogenomic annotation
- Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi possesses a unique repertoire of fimbrial gene sequences
- An application of statistics to comparative metagenomics
- A role for Salmonella fimbriae in intraperitoneal infections
- The National Microbial Pathogen Database Resource (NMPDR): a genomics platform based on subsystem annotation
- Low-molecular-weight protein tyrosine phosphatases of Bacillus subtilis
- A glimpse into the expanded genome content of Vibrio cholerae through identification of genes present in environmental strains
- Fimbrial expression in enteric bacteria: a critical step in intestinal pathogenesis
- Transcriptional profiling of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae during heat shock using microarrays
- Mosaic prophages with horizontally acquired genes account for the emergence and diversification of the globally disseminated M1T1 clone of Streptococcus pyogenes
- In vitro characterization of the Bacillus subtilis protein tyrosine phosphatase YwqE
- Microbial Genome Sequencing
- Genomic analysis and growth-phase-dependent regulation of the SEF14 fimbriae of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis
- Indirect effects of algae on coral: algae-mediated, microbe-induced coral mortality
- Increasing DNA transfer efficiency by temporary inactivation of host restriction
- Draft sequencing and comparative genomics of Xylella fastidiosa strains reveal novel biological insights
- Finding novel genes in bacterial communities isolated from the environment
- Essential genes on metabolic maps
- The importance of complete genome sequences
- Metagenomic and stable isotopic analyses of modern freshwater microbialites in Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico
- Metagenomic and small-subunit RNA surveys reveal the high genetic diversity of bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses in soil
- Genome analysis of the obligately lytic bacteriophage 4268 of Lactococcus lactis provides insight into its adaptable nature
- Hidden messages within the genetic code
- Eye of newt and toe of frog
- An old dog learns new tricks
- TeraGrid Open Life Science Gateway
- Automated analysis of ARISA data using ADAPT system
- The metagenomics RAST server--a public resource for the automatic phylogenetic and functional analysis of metagenomes
- Random Community Genomics
- The Role of Microbes in the Precipitation of Microbialites in Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico: A Genomic and Stable Isotopic Perspective
- Increasing DNA transfer efficiency by temporary inactivation of host restriction.
- Bacterial select agents and antibiotic resistance genes.
- The National Microbial Pathogen Data Resource
- Eye of newt and toe of frog: Recombinant DNA Principles and Methodologies, edited by James J. Greene and Venigalla B. Rao, and Molecular Biomethods Handbook, edited by Ralph Rapley and John M. Walker
- Genome of staphylococcal phage K: a new lineage of Myoviridae infecting gram-positive bacteria with a low G+C content
- Marine environmental genomics: Unlocking the ocean's secrets
- PhANNs, a fast and accurate tool and web server to classify phage structural proteins
- Nitrogen control in bacteria
- Improved allelic exchange vectors and their use to analyze 987P fimbria gene expression
- Differential regulation of fasA and fasH expression of Escherichia coli 987P fimbriae by environmental cues
- The role of uridylyltransferase in the control of Klebsiella pneumoniae nif gene regulation
- Identification of major and minor chaperone proteins involved in the export of 987P fimbriae
- Tools for Fast Sequence Alignment
- Escherichia coli: Mechanisms of Virulence
- Programmatic Access to the SEED Data Via the Network
- NMPDR-National Microbial Pathogen Data Resource
- Nitrogen control in bacteria.
- Scoring Amino Acid Substitutions In $Φ$hage Genomes
- High-throughput phenotype profiling for bacterial flux-balance model optimization
- Genomics and Bioinformatics: A Practical Course in Sequence Data Analysis
- Search SRA Gateway for Metagenomics Data
- Shannon's Uncertainty and Kullback-Leibler Divergence in Microbial Genome
- Programmed ribosomal frameshifts, and how to find them
- The Promise and Pitfalls of Prophages
- Prophage rates in the human microbiome vary by body site and host health.
- Host Association and Spatial Proximity Shape but Do Not Constrain Population Structure in the Mutualistic Symbiont Xenorhabdus bovienii
- Prophage rates in the human microbiome vary by body site and host health
- Towards the biogeography of butyrate-producing bacteria
- Philympics 2021
- The human gut virome
- Statement in Support of
- Classification Confidence in Exploratory Learning: A User’s Guide
- Compounding Achromobacter Phages for Therapeutic Applications
- Guidelines for public database submission of uncultivated virus genome sequences for taxonomic classification
- linsalrob/fast-adapter-trimming
- linsalrob/PyFBA
- linsalrob/pyctv
- linsalrob/py_fasta_validator
- linsalrob/primer-trimming
- linsalrob/partie
- linsalrob/PhiSpy
- linsalrob/mgi-adapters
- linsalrob/genbank_to
- linsalrob/atavide_lite
- linsalrob/sam
- linsalrob/fastq-pair
- linsalrob/ComputationalGenomicsManual
- linsalrob/CompareReferences
- linsalrob/atavide
- Prophage Prediction Comparisons
- linsalrob/PPPF
- linsalrob/SearchSRAToolKit
- linsalrob/SearchSRA
- linsalrob/BacterialProteins
- linsalrob/pbj_placer
- linsalrob/partie_hat
- linsalrob/crAssphage
- Surgical Removal of Gut Bacteria Biomass Promotes Weight Gain via Suppression of Energy Expenditure
- Dietary Fat and Carbohydrate Content Modulate Energy Expenditure via Gut Bacteria
- Emergent community architecture despite distinct diversity in the global whale shark (Rhincodon typus) epidermal microbiome
- Phables
- Host interactions of novel Crassvirales species belonging to multiple families infecting bacterial host, Bacteroides cellulosilyticus WH2
- The Role of Microbes in the Precipitation of Microbialites in Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico
- The Biomass and Composition of the Gut Microbiota Modify Anaerobic Metabolism
- Qudaich
- Abolish the order Caudovirales and the families Myoviridae, Siphoviridae and Podoviridae (Caudoviricetes)
- Knowing and Naming: Phage Annotation and Nomenclature for Phage Therapy
- Author Correction
- The secret hidden in dust
- Phables: from fragmented assemblies to high-quality bacteriophage genomes
- PRFect: A tool to predict programmed ribosomal frameshifts in prokaryotic and viral genomes
- Heat-stressed coral microbiomes are stable and potentially beneficial at the level of taxa and functional genes
- The human gut virome: Composition, colonisation, interactions, and impacts on human health
- Estimating Classification Confidence Using Kernel Densities
- Growth Score : A single metric to define growth in 96-well phenotype assays
- Bioenergetic mapping of 'healthy microbiomes' via compound processing potential imprinted in gut and soil metagenomes
- Bioenergetic mapping of ‘healthy microbiomes’ via compound processing potential imprinted in gut and soil metagenomes
- Hybracter: Enabling Scalable, Automated, Complete and Accurate Bacterial Genome Assemblies
- Predicting stop codon reassignment improves functional annotation of bacteriophages
- Prophages: an integral but understudied component of the human microbiome
- The macroecology of butyrate-producing bacteria
- Koverage: Read-coverage analysis for massive (meta)genomics datasets
- How low can you go? Short-read polishing of Oxford Nanopore bacterial genome assemblies
- The macroecology of butyrate-producing bacteria via metagenomic assessment of butyrate production capacity
- Hybracter
- Pre-Bleaching Coral Microbiome Is Enriched in Beneficial Taxa and Functions
- Hecatomb: an integrated software platform for viral metagenomics
- ICP miniseries: ICP – could there be a virus in the works?
- Draft genomes of 12 Bifidobacterium isolates from human IBD fecal samples
- ICP – could there be a virus in the works?
- Driving through stop signs: predicting stop codon reassignment improves functional annotation of bacteriophages
- Koverage
- Solving genomic puzzles: computational methods for metagenomic binning
- Solving genomic puzzles
- Ecological phage therapy: can bacteriophages help rapidly restore the soil microbiome?
- Prophages
- PRFect
- A novel genus of Pectobacterium bacteriophages display broad host range by targeting several species of Danish soft rot isolates
- Novel crAssphage isolates exhibit conserved gene order and purifying selection of the host specificity protein.
- Taxonomy of prokaryotic viruses: update from the ICTV bacterial and archaeal viruses subcommittee
- Temperate gut phages are prevalent, diverse, and predominantly inactive
- Taxonomy of prokaryotic viruses: 2018-2019 update from the ICTV Bacterial and Archaeal Viruses Subcommittee
- ICP miniseries: ICP--could there be a virus in the works?
- Taxonomy proposal 2021: abolish the order Caudovirales and the families Myoviridae, Siphoviridae and Podoviridae (Caudoviricetes)
- Taxonomy of prokaryotic viruses: 2016 update from the ICTV bacterial and archaeal viruses subcommittee
- Ecological phage therapy
- A globally integrated structure of taxonomy to support biodiversity science and conservation