This folder contains the all the input files, simulation output and pre and post processing scripts used to perfom all the analysis for the paper: "What triggers streamflow for Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams in Low-Gradient Catchments in Mediterranean Climates" Folders and files descriptions are as follows: 1_Model_input_files -- contains all the necesary files to re-create the 1620 different. model scenarios. 2_Sand_Output_hydrographs -- Contains 9 subfolders, one for each of the 9 rainfall scenarios containing all the output hydrographs (for the 4 hydrograph locations) for the 60 different initial groundwater heads. The folders are named by the rainfall scenario. For instance the folder named 2mmHr_24hr_rainfall_output contains 300 hydrograph files corresponding to the 4 hydrograph locations for the 60 initial GW heads for the 2mm/h for 24 h rainfall for the sandy soil. 3_SandyGravel_Output_hydrographs -- Contains the same data as explained above but for the sandy gravel scenarios 4_SandyLoam_Output_hydrographs -- Contains the same data as explained above but for the sandy loam scenarios 5_Sand_Active_areas_models -- Contains 3 subfolders, one for each of the model scenarios selected to be rerun. Each subfolder contains: abdulo.olf.dat -- Overlandflow output -- Porous media output 6_SandyGravel_Active_areas_models -- Contains the same data as explained above but for the sandy loam scenarios 7_SandyLoam_Active_areas_models -- Contains the same data as explained above but for the sandy loam scenarios -- Script to merge all the summary hydrograph files for the three soils into a single file. First_flows_ALL.xlsx -- Final summary outputted by the aforementioned script which contains the information of the ALL the first flows. -- Python script that is used to post process the overland flow output file to add a new output column specifiying the dominant HMC fraction.