PhiSpy Predictions in GenBank Format
This file has GenBank format flat files for all the prophage regions we identified.
The GenBank files are essentially a slice of all the data from the genome annotation. We added a few PhiSpy-specific outputs, like hits to VOGdb proteins and the E-value of those matches.
We searched everything against PHROGs, but have yet to include those hits in the GenBank files.
Because there is one file for each prophage prediction (5,005,011 files), we separate them into a directory hierarchy and use the NCBI convention for storing files which uses the first three characters and then separates the numbers into directories, so if you have an accession.
GCA_019958295.1, the GenBank files will be in the subdirectory phispy/GCA/019/958/295/
Computational and Experimental Resources for Virome Analysis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (CERVAID)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
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