Prophage statistics
The presence of prophages in bacterial genomes.
This file has these columns:
0. GENOMEID - Genbank genome assembly accession
1. Genome Name - Definition of the genome in the genbank file
2. Contigs > 5kb - Number of contigs longer than 5 kb (only these were used to predict prophages)
3. Genome Contigs - Total number of contigs in the genome
4. Number of Coding Sequences - Total number of coding sequences in the genome
5. Too short - Number of phage predictions that were too short (less than 5 genes in the prediction)
6. Not enough phage hits - Number of phage predictions that did not have a single HMM match to VOGdb version 99
7. Kept - Number of high quality prophage predictions
8. Note - Outcome of the computation. You should read this column, especially if the sum of prophage predictions is zero
Computational and Experimental Resources for Virome Analysis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (CERVAID)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
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